“Interview at the Denver Business Journal”
The Denver Business Journal will print a feature on The Inner Game of Work as a result of our one-hour interview this morning.”What is the single biggest obstacle to people working together effectively in the workplace?” was the central question.
We talked about self-doubt and how it spawns a variety of “inner games” people play at work which rob us of the energy and awareness needed for work itself. If we weren’t playing the games of “who is the smartest,” or “who has the most influence,” we would find it much easier to cooperate in teams. We would also find that our ability to learn from experience would be greatly enhanced.
“At the Tattered Cover”
An audience of about forty people attended the signing at the Tattered Cover – a huge but charming independent bookstore in downtown Denver. We explored further the focus: putting an end to the self-esteem game at play and at work. Since you are the judge, the jury, and the plaintiff, why not declare yourself the winner of that game? Conclude for yourself that there are better games to play while working and then get on with it. So many of our obstacles at work come from our constant assessment of ourselves in relationship to others we work with. Re-defining the work ethic seemed a topic of interest in this group.