Inner Game Events and News



The Inner Game of Tennis

(50th Anniversary Edition)

The Classic Guide
to Peak Performance

by W. Timothy Gallwey,
Bill Gates (Introduction),
Pete Carroll (Foreword)


With millions of copies sold, Tim Gallwey’s groundbreaking Inner Game books have influenced the lives of many.


The Inner Game For Coaches

April, 04th & 05th - 2025
April, 11th & 12th - 2025

Acclaim for
The Inner Game

“Even as the outer game has changed, the inner game has remained the same. Gallwey had one particular insight that seems crazy the first time you hear it: The secret to winning any game lies in not trying too hard. The Inner Game is surprisingly profound. Timothy Gallwey’s insights apply to tennis but also many other parts of life.”

~ Bill Gates

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"Since his first book, "The Inner Game of Tennis," I have been fascinated and personally benefited by the incredible empowerment of Tim Gallwey’s insights into his analysis of Self 1 and Self 2. This work-related study is a liberating analogy and inspires us to relax and trust our true Self."

Stephen Covey
Author of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
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"Carroll says he might drop “The Inner Game” in a player’s locker. Other times he passes along a chapter or a passage. He long ago stopped using the actual language of the book in practice. 'I don’t talk about it with the team,' Carroll says. We don’t tell them about it, we just do it. We incorporate it into everything we do.”

Pete Carroll
Head Coach | Three-Time NFL Champion
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“I understood that "The Inner Game" was not just a concept applicable to sport players, but a powerful tool for natural learning.”

Alan Kay
Personal Computer precursor and former executive at Apple, Xerox and Walt Disney
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"These days, many people talk of accelerating learning in organizations but few have actually done it. The words of a master like Tim Gallwey are timely indeed."

Peter M. Senge
Author of The Fifth Discipline
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From Leading Fans

“Tim, this book has changed my golf game. As a 25 year who just retook up the game after taking a lot of time off due to substance abuse problems I was consistently shooting high 70s low 80s after reading just half the book my last four rounds have been 78 73 76 and today three under 69 with birdies on the final 3 holes (despite self 1 knocking at the door I fended him off with da-da-da) With a handicap of 7.5 my mens league counterparts wallets are hurting. And the 76 won me low net in a lawman tournament. The 69 today ( net 61 ) may actually do damage on the gross. Your book the inner game of golf is the best golf tool I have ever implemented. It turns out self 2 has game.”

Joe Simonet

learning consultant, The Coca-Cola Company:

“The Inner Game of Work is deceptively simple. My own experience with it tells me that you can spend a career mastering it. But unlike other disciplines that require some mastery to see results, your work and your life is different the moment you realize you are in the game. Furthermore, what I like about the book is that it is not about using some contrived tool or technique. It is about learning to use your natural learning ability, which is far more powerful than any tool or process created by an expert.”

Charlie Frenette

Chief Marketing Officer, The Coca-Cola Company:

”I congratulate you on incorporating the concepts, tools, models, and thinking on learning in such an interesting, easy-to-read manner. Over the past ten years of working together you have taught and provided coaching to me on many of the concepts and tools contained in the book. These ideas have evolved, become more clear, and are therefore more useful. The Inner Game of Work is a compendium of easy-to-understand tools and concepts that I plan to reference and use often as I progress on my own personal journey. Tim, I think you’ve got a winner. I hope its success surpasses your dreams.”

John Everett

Senior Partner, Deloitte Consulting UK

“The Inner Game of Work is stimulating and thought provoking. By focusing on why we work, it frees us up to work better. I found the book provided me with real insight – Tim is always human and deeply practical throughout the book.”

Seth Silver

Manager of Organizational Development, XEROX Corporation

“Using a skillful combination of audience interaction, reflective/questions, group breakouts, lectures, videos and ‘live’ demonstrations, Gallwey’s presentation captivated the group. Any organization that is serious about enhancing its levels of people development would be well advised to consider a session with Tim Gallwey.”

Neil Chase

Founder of Chase Golf & Tennis Camps, Bethlehem, NH

“Tim Gallwey’s insights into the mental aspects of tennis will revolutionize the teaching and playing of the game. He clearly demonstrates how our full potentials can be realized through insights and techniques that unblock the ideal athletic mental state of ‘relaxed concentration.”

Jack Barnaby

President, US Professional Tennis Association

“Tim Gallwey’s exotic approach is within the grasp of the most competitive un-Zenlike old war-horse. The Inner Game of Tennis is a how-to manual that aids players to bewitch their egos rather than letting their egos bewitch them.”

Larry McMurty

Washington Post

Partial Client List

Inner Game

Video Testimonials from Inner Game Students…

Living with Self 2

Construction Manager Shares

True Inner Courage

Trust Beyond Constructs

Playing With Possibility

It’s All Inside Me

From Control to Freedom

Roofing Company CEO

An Artist Comes Down to Earth

The Most Precious Part

Inner Game Instructor Observations…

Tim Gallwey Reflects

Dr. John Horton Debrief

Watch all 53 minutes of sharing experiences above

& Demos

Interviews With Tim Gallwey

Tennis: the Inner Game – Origins
Channel 4 News Inner Game Stress Management Techniques
The Inner Game Golf Clinic
The World Golf Teachers Federation Interview
Interview with PBS Director
An Association for Coaching Interview – Tim Gallwey

Inner Game Demos

The Inner Game of Tennis “Bounce Hit”
1975 Inner Game demo on ABC’s Reasoner Report

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